You will not get a fluffy massage with me - this is the place to come if you want your muscles worked over! My massage style tends toward broad strokes with an even, strong pressure. In my experience broad, slow pressure is the key to making deep massage enjoyable to anyone, even those who’ve worry deep work is only painful. Alternately, if you’ve been frustrated in the past asking a therapist for more pressure and never getting enough – I’m your gal! I’m capable and happy to give you however much pressure you prefer. Good, collaborative communication throughout your massage will ensure you get the experience you are hoping for!
Trying a new massage therapist can feel like a big risk! It’s relatively expensive and what you receive can vary wildly from therapist to therapist. If you’ve gotten very many massages, you generally know what enjoy and it can be a frustrating disappointment to realize 15 minutes into a massage that you aren’t going to get it. I keep a policy with new clients that I hope eliminates this anxiety. I feel confident enough in your enjoyment of my work that I am happy to offer to this guarantee to new clients: 15 minutes into your massage, if you are not happy with what you are receiving, we can stop and you owe me nothing.